

Ideas into Action


We connect the dots to deliver outstanding results


We have been privileged to assist with some great projects contributing positive things to society

Selected case studies

Lakeland Arts

Brand strategy and business planning to support organisational change


Connecting Culture are thoughtful, clear and creative in their work and this translated into exciting and innovative recommendations that will support the transformation of Lakeland Arts into a modern cultural organisation that reflects inspiration in all that it does.
— Rhian Harris - Chief Executive, Lakeland Arts

New venue leaflets designed as part of our Lakeland Arts rebrand

New venue leaflets designed as part of our Lakeland Arts rebrand


Lakeland Arts runs a range of significant cultural destinations in the heart of the Lake District, with a unique role reflecting creative inspiration flowing through the local landscape and its people. They have a complex offer and number of important challenges to address in reaching new audiences and asserting their role both locally and nationally. We supported them at a pivotal point of transition, helping to uncover their core belief, repositioning the relationship between the different parts of the organisation and re-articulating the venues.

Having devised a strong Brand Strategy, we worked in partnership with leading design agency Spy Studio to build a compelling new visual and verbal identity. As a key component of the rebrand we produced design outputs across an array of physical, print and digital applications. We also developed an engaging new tone of voice to be applied across a range of communications contexts together with a clear set of Brand Guidelines. This toolkit placed Lakeland Arts in a much more confident place to assert its position in the marketplace.

Following on from our work on creating the brand, we were commissioned to support with developing the deeper organisational strategy. This included a detailed 5 year Business Plan, options appraisal and ongoing commercial development. This is an example of our work helping cultural organisations achieve their objectives through sound strategic thinking supported by excellence in communication and design. Like many of our projects, it was carried out in partnership with a number of trusted associates.

Headline components of our work on the Organisational Strategy

Headline components of our work on the Organisational Strategy

Lake Land Arts social media applications
Lakeland Arts billboard

Their holistic approach to strategy and design is not only refreshing but essential in creating an integrated identity and organisational narrative
— Rhian Harris - Chief Executive, Lakeland Arts

OVHbrand, design, change, strategy